Ryan Meisel Quartet v.jarred (LP release)
Harmony Bar and Grill 2201 Atwood Ave., Madison, Wisconsin 53704
Jill Ann Melton
Ryan Meisel playing soprano saxophone.
Ryan Meisel
Wisconsin saxophonist and educator Ryan Meisel has followed an eclectic path through the jazz world, and his latest project is another intriguing sonic exploration. In the v.jarred incarnation of his quartet (named after a June album release), Meisel plays soprano, tenor and baritone saxes through electronic effects. It results in an array of unexpected sounds, sometimes doing battle with guitar-shredding heroics by Cody Steinmann; it’s jazz with a healthy dose of hard rock and funk, and v.jarred is a fun listen. It should be a treat hearing the band take off live at this release party for an LP version.
media release: Madison Vinyl Album release party!
Ryan Meisel Quartet v.jarred, jar-ring, jars. –intr. 1. To make or utter a harsh sound. 2. To be disturbing or irritating; grate: The noise jarred on my nerves. 3. To shake or shiver from impact. 4. To clash or conflict.- tr. 1. To bump or cause to move or shake from impact. 2. To startle or unsettle; shock. - n. 1. A jolt; a shock. 2. Harsh or grating sound; discord. [Perh. of imit. Orig.] - jar’ring-ly adv.
Jarred “Electric” represents one of the biggest musical risks I have taken on a recording project. Stretching boundaries, I wanted to capture the edginess of '80s and '90s rock and heavy metal that I grew up with as a kid. Playing through an FX processor gave me the chance to create fresh sounds that fuse improvised jazz with electronic experimentation. This album features three new compositions on side A and two reworked originals on side B. I’d like to thank my bandmates Jake, Cody and Matt for joining me on this project.