RSVP for Salute to Service
press release: Governor and Mrs. Walker invite National Guard members, past and present, to celebrate the Wisconsin National Guard in honor of the 70th Anniversary of the Air National Guard and the 100th Anniversary of the Red Arrow (that all Wisconsin Army National units descend from).
All present and past members of the Wisconsin Army and Air National Guard and their immediate family members are encouraged to attend this salute to service that will include food and entertainment.
Location: Wisconsin Executive Residence: 99 Cambridge Road, Madison, WI (NOTE PARKING AND SHUTTLE INFO ON EVITE ATTACHMENT)
Date: Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017
Time: 1-3 p.m. (program at 2 p.m.)
Military Uniform: ACU/ABU
Civilian Guest/Former Guardsmen Attire: conservative casual attire appropriate for the weather
Reservations accepted in order received, space is limited.
Please RSVP NLT Sept. 20 at: https://einvitations.afit.