ONLINE: Science & Lived Experience: Food, Land and Water
press release: Join us for opportunity to hear stories from a panel of speakers and craft and share your own story about how science intersects with your experiences regarding food, land, and water in Wisconsin.
Time: Tuesday, November 17, from 6pm-7:45pm CST, Zoom
Dylan Bizhikiins Jennings, Director of Public Information for the Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission and an elected member of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Ojibwe Tribal Council; UW-Madison alum and current graduate student in the Nelson Institute’s Environmental Conservation Professional Master’s program.
Randy Jackson, grassland ecologist and Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Agronomy
Sarah Dance, wild rice researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dance is a graduate student in the Environmental Biogeochemistry group in the Environmental Chemistry and Technology Program.
Sarah Lloyd, dairy farmer and supply chain specialist, Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Moderated by Tim DeChant, science writer and lecturer at MIT