Seth Peterson Cottage Open House
Kit Hogan
Frank Lloyd Wright's last Wisconsin building project was designing a cottage on Mirror Lake for Black Earth native Seth Peterson.
media release: The Seth Peterson Cottage, located on Mirror Lake and designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, will host two free Open Houses in June:
The first one is State Park Open House, all across the state, and includes the Seth Peterson Cottage, on Sunday, June 5, from 1-4 PM.
The second Open House is June 12, from 1-4 PM, the 30th Anniversary of the Seth Peterson Cottage. Over the years, thousands of people from nearly every state and many foreign countries have had the opportunity to stay in this Frank Lloyd Wright Home. In addition, thousands more have visited the Cottage during the monthly Open House tours.
The 30th Anniversary Celebration fun begins with a free open house, guided tours, music and a special anniversary program at 2:30 PM. There will be a drawing for a free two-night stay at the Cottage.
The theme for the anniversary is a quote from Frank Lloyd Wright. "The thing always happens that you really believe in, and the belief in a thing makes it happen." The people around Mirror Lake and across the state wanted the Cottage restored and really believed in restoring the Cottage and that belief made it happen!
For more information on the Cottage, visit the website: