Share the Life Lessons
Pinney Library 516 Cottage Grove Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53716
press release:
We all have valuable lessons to share, earned through life experience. But we seldom make time to capture them in words for future generations! Let’s spend some time together writing personal and family stories that share values and life lessons. For each topic, we’ll spend about 20 minutes discussing writing prompts, followed by 20 minutes of quiet time writing together. Then we’ll share what we wrote with each other. Drop in for any of the sessions or join us for all three. An open mic hour will follow the writing sessions.
3:30-4:30: Money Money can have both obvious and subtle influences on the way we live. What role did money play in your family? What have been your greatest successes with money? Your worst mistakes? What has money come to mean to you? Pass those lessons on!
4:45-5:45: Work Our life’s work includes the activities that have occupied most of our time, energy, or concerns. It may include work outside or in the home. It may mean paying jobs or a lifetime of service in religion, community work, politics, or devotion to the arts. What has been the pattern of your work or career? What would you like others to know about finding their life’s work?
Dinner Break
6:15-7:15: Love “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways,” wrote Elizabeth Barrett to Robert Browning. Yet how many of us take time to write about how we love—either for the one we love, or for the ones who will come after us to take their chances on the wheel of love’s fortunes? Pass on the lessons learned from your successes and failures in love. 7:30 Open Mic Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served basis, and receive group feedback. Listeners welcome as well as readers. Someone in the future is waiting to hear from you!
About the presenter: Sarah White, author and personal historian, has been teaching memoir writing workshops in the Madison area since 2004.