Shelby Gahm, Stephenie Hamen, Eric Hazeltine
Overture Center-Gallery II 201 State St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
courtesy Overture Center
A work by Shelby Gahm.
press release: Overture Galleries Fall Exhibitions: TUE, SEP 7, 2021 – SUN, JAN 16, 2022
Galleries Reception | FRI, OCT 1, 5-9 PM
Artist Talks, Gallery I, II, III, 5-7 PM; Artists Talks and Presentations in the Playhouse Gallery, 7-9 PM
nibiiwakamigkwe – Gigiigemin/We Heal Together: Jingle Dress Intentions
For over 100 years, the jingle dress has told stories of healing in Native communities. Anishinaabe dancers are taught that each of the cones carries prayers. In the Everything COVID exhibit, community members are invited to write their own hopes, prayers and intentions onto unrolled jingle cones that will be attached to a jingle dress created during the pandemic. During Overture’s International Festival on January 29, 2022, Nibiiwakamigkwe will dance wearing the finished coned dress with songs from Native community members.
Poems by Andrea Musher
GALLERY II – Fragility – Shelby Gahm, Stephenie Hamen & Eric Hazeltine
Shelby Gahm, Stephenie Hamen and Eric Hazeltine explore extraordinary and fragile aspects of the human body and psyche. Gahm’s work explores ideas of what constitutes a home. She considers the human nature of collecting memory, which memories we choose to carry with us and how that shapes who we are and, therefore, the home we carry within ourselves throughout our lives. Through painting, Hamen reveals the truth and strength of living with chronic invisible illness. Hazeltine’s artistic process represents the dichotomy of destruction and conservation within the physical body.