Shingles: What You Should Know
press release: We will explore the diagnosis of the painful skin condition known as shingles, its relationship to chickenpox, and the increasing risk of occurrence as we age. Successful treatment depends on early recognition. Prevention—by way of a safe and effective vaccine—is the best way to avoid this nasty condition. Presentation will be followed by ample time for questions and answers.
Jonathan L. Temte, MD/PhD is associate dean for public health and community engagement at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health where he also serves as professor of family medicine and community health. Dr. Temte served on the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices from 2008-2015, becoming the first family physician to serve as chair from 2012 to 2015. He currently chairs the Wisconsin Council on Immunization Practices, is a member of the CDC’s Board of Scientific Counselors and is the AAFP representative on the ACIP COVID-19 Vaccine Work Group.