Solidarity Day for UAW 180
Madison Labor Temple 1602 S. Park St., Madison, Wisconsin 53715
media release: A diverse array of labor and community members from numerous organizations will join UAW members on strike for a Solidarity Day in Racine, Wisconsin Saturday, December 17, 2022, to Support UAW Strike at CNHi (Case Holland).
A 2 P.M. rally at 3323 Kearney Avenue in Racine, followed by vehicle caravans to the UAW 180 picket lines at CNHi (Case Holland) will take place December 17. About 1,100 members of UAW Locals 180 and 807 have been on strike against the multi-billion dollar corporation for seven months going into winter. Issues include three-tier wage structures, healthcare costs and safety.
Vehicle caravans are now being organized across Wisconsin and the Midwest to travel to Racine December 17. Supporters will leave from various locations and are bringing supplies for the strikers including non-perishable food items, gift cards, winter gear and strike fund donations. Members of UAW 807 from Burlington, IA - also on strike against CNHi - are bringing a delegation as are the Railroad Workers United. (
One caravan departure point is from the South Central Federation of Labor (SCFL) at 1602 S Park Street in Madison. A rally will take place at 10:45 A.M. and then delegations will be leaving from this location at 11 and 11:30 a.m. December 17 to travel to Racine. For information: (
Momentum is growing for the Solidarity Day in Racine. Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine has tweeted out the December 17 flyer to his almost 1 million followers. The Wisconsin AFL-CIO sent out a statewide email to its affiliate members and is sharing the information on its social media. Labor federations such as the Milwaukee Area Labor Council and the South Central Federation of Labor are assisting and mobilizing. Unions such as the AFT, AFSCME, the Laborers, the Teamsters, Pride At Work and many others in numerous cities or regions in Wisconsin are sharing the information and will participate in the Solidarity Day. A variety of community and faith-based organizations such as Building Unity, Voces de la Frontera, Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES), the Family Farm Defenders, the Moratorium Now Coalition the Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement and the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans are some of the organizations sending delegations and helping to organize.
Independent pro-labor media such as We Rise Fighting! Labor Podcast, the Real News Network, Pacifica Radio, WORT and others are covering the Solidarity Day from Racine December 17.
For interviews with UAW 180 leaders, contact President Yasin Mahdi at: 262-498-8217 or To schedule interviews with unions and community organizations, contact Bryan G Pfeifer at: 313-559-7074.
For those that want to donate to the strike fund mail a check written out to "UAW Local 180" and mail to UAW 180, ATTN: President Yasin Mahdi, 3323 Kearney Avenue, Racine, WI 53403. Supplies such as non-perishable food items, gift cards, holiday gifts for the striker's children and winter gear (hand and foot warmers, socks, hats and gloves) can be dropped off or sent to this address.
There will also be a Strike Solidarity School December 14-17, 2022 at UAW Local 180, 3323 Kearney Avenue Racine. This is sponsored by We Rise Fighting! Labor Podcast, UAW 180 and Building Unity. (