Steam Machine
Folklore Village, Dodgeville 3210 Highway BB, Dodgeville, Wisconsin 53533
media release: Originally formed in Minneapolis in 2017, Steam Machine is a Midwest influenced string band that doesn't draw such hard lines between bluegrass and old time music. Steam Machine combines smooth, powerful fiddling, driving three-finger banjo, and front-of-the-beat rhythm backup into a “suspiciously entertaining” sound. Steam Machine is fronted by award winning, in-demand Minneapolis fiddler AJ Srubas and Twin Cities old time music & dance instigator Rina Rossi on guitar with the support of a rotating cast of gifted musicians on banjo and bass.
While not purists, Steam Machine does listen closely to the “old stuff” and strives to capture the essence of what makes these tunes and songs special, as they hear it. The project continues to be an evolving vehicle for playing the music they love and honoring the brilliance left behind by old time heroes like Lyman Enloe, Cyril Stinnett, and more. Equally at home playing for an old-time/bluegrass loving crowd or listeners new to these sounds, Steam Machine aspires to keep Midwest style old time bluegrass music alive and well wherever they go.