RSVP for Tabletop Macro Flower Photography
press release: When the weather does not permit outside photography, or flowers aren’t blooming, there are still ways to achieve great flower photos indoors. We will look at how to set up a little mini studio for flower photography. We will discuss equipment, lighting, and backgrounds that can be set up on any table in your home, using cut flowers or plants growing in a pot. Amazing results can be achieved with a little pre-planning and well thought out set-ups. Suggested equipment: DSLR or mirrorless camera, tripod, flash with off camera cord (unless your camera is equipped to fire flash wirelessly), macros or close focusing lens.
Sunday, August 30, 12-3 p.m.; Registration Deadline: August 20
Location: Olbrich Botanical Gardens, 3330 Atwood Ave, Madison, WI 53704
Price: $56/$45 member