Taurean Ball
The Taurean Ball is an evening mixing entertainment, art and wellness. Cafe Coda hosts music, featuring disco and classic pop by Mini V05, danceable genre-blurring by Automatic Lover, and the teen/tween trio of Miles Wiedenhoeft, Jonas Feith and Micah Vedder. Next door, Aubergine hosts vendors featuring art, natural/holistic products, mystical resources, food and drink, and more.
media release: Celebrate the finer things in life at the first revival of the Taurean Ball at Cafe Coda! Featuring live music, drinks, and dancing, plus a magical retreat and wellness space at Aubergine with herbal offerings, vendors, local art, psychic readings, massage, tarot, and a fabulous selfie station. Sets from some of Madison’s favorite and soon to be favorite musicians: Mini VO5 (the wild stepchild of VO5), Automatic Lover (Afro-Cuban, jazz, funk, hip-hop) and Micah, Jonah and Miles (ages 11, 12 and 14) who met at Cool School. An evening of merriment, connection, beauty, and fun for all ages. Dress to impress your favorite Venus-ruled Taurus native. Cafe CODA, 1224 Williamson. April 28, 6-10pm. $15