RSVP for Techniques for Drawing & Painting Botanicals
Olbrich Gardens 3330 Atwood Ave., Madison, Wisconsin 53714
press release: Join acclaimed botanical artist Mary Bauschelt to learn historical techniques in graphite and watercolor used to create botanical art. Perfect for beginners, and a great chance to continue your practice if you have had previous botanical art instruction. This 4-day workshop focuses on understanding shading to create three-dimensional form - the basis of botanical art. You will learn techniques needed to render plants in a realistic way according to the geometrical shapes. Exercises will train you how to draw and shade fruits, flowers, leaves, and stems. A graphite drawing is the blueprint for a botanical watercolor. You will start with a simple subject and practice watercolor washes and dry brush techniques. One-on-one guidance will be given throughout the workshop. Class instruction will be supplemented with viewing original botanical art, prints, books, and more. Bring a bag lunch. A supply list will be sent to you; some materials provided. Limited space; register early.
Mondays, February 6-27, 10 am-2 pm
Registration Deadline: January 30
Cost: $288/$230 member | Course Number: 20-06