That's Not Fair! Or How to Think Positively in the New World
Sequoya Library 4340 Tokay Blvd., Madison, Wisconsin 53711
press release: Speaker & positivity expert Tina Hallis, PhD, will speak about shifting our perspective on issues we all face. “It’s easy to focus on all the things we don’t like about our work (and life). In fact, our brains are wired to notice the negative way more than the positive. But studies show we don’t have to be victims to this strong negative bias. We can use simple but powerful strategies to help us shift our thoughts and get better at noticing the good things. This not only makes work more enjoyable, it improves our motivation, our ability to think clearly, and makes us nicer to work with. When it comes to our ability to influence our experience at work, the ONE thing we have the most control over is how we think.” Call 608-266-6385 for information or to register.