The Big Payback, 7th & 8th Grade Bands
Whitehorse Middle School 218 Schenk St., Madison, Wisconsin 53714
AT WHITEHORSE MIDDLE SCHOOL. During the Spring 2016 semester, trombonist and Madison College jazz director Jamie Kember has been conducting a residency with the 7th and 8th grade bands at Whitehorse Middle School, directed by band teacher Alyssa Buss. Using the repertoire of his band, The Big Payback, Jamie has been teaching the students jazz concepts like harmonic progression, form, improvisation, and learning by rote, and helping increase their comfort in playing music from different genres. We will get to witness the accomplishments of these band students as they perform along with The Big Payback at their Spring concert. 7:00 PM, Whitehorse Middle School Gym, 218 Schenk Street, on Madison’s East Side. Free admission. This residency has been made possible by grants from American Girl’s Fund for Children and Dane Arts.