The Lands We Share
press release: The Lands We Share initiative includes a traveling exhibition and public dialogue tour that focuses on the intersection of farming, land, ethnic culture and history in Wisconsin. The exhibit will feature the stories, histories, artifacts, images and sounds of six culturally and regionally distinct farms and farm sites and invites visitors to share their own stories, insights and questions. Each stop on the tour will include a three-week run at a community-based venue near one of the six sites and a farm-to-table Community Conversation.
Through 4/28: UW Discovery Building
4/29-5/18: Central Library
The Lands We Share Final Gala celebration will be held at the Madison Public Library, central branch, on Thursday, May 16. The event will begin at 5:00 pm when guests will be invited to view the traveling exhibition and enjoy locally-sourced food. At 6:00 guests will be invited to join a presentation and panel discussion.
Seats are limited but all are welcome! The event is free, but please RSVP.