RSVP for Toddler Story & Strolls
press release: Learn and play with your toddler in this fun, hands-on series that focuses on December favorites and early childhood basics. Classes include a story, a stroll and scavenger hunt in the Bolz Conservatory, and theme-related activities designed for you and your toddler to spend quality time together while you engage in hands-on, fun, age-appropriate experiences that support the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. Sign up for one class or the entire series. Ages 2-4 with an adult.
Peppermint: Saturday, December 16, 10-11 am. Registration Deadline: December 7; Cost: $9/$7 member | Course Number: 51-20
Peppermint: Tuesday, December 19, 10-11 am. Registration Deadline: December 12; Cost: $9/$7 member | Course Number: 51-21