ONLINE: Truth, Trust and the Future of Journalism Ethics
Jeff Miller/University Communications
Kathleen Culver teaching a class on March 4, 2020. Culver is an associate professor in the UW-Madison School of Journalism & Mass Communication and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics.
What’s a journalist to do in the era of “fake news”? UW-Madison journalism professor Kathleen Culver leads an online lecture focused on how the news media can work to regain the public's trust, even when partisan rhetoric is turned up to 11. Culver will discuss the ethical dimensions of journalism and social media, as well the current state of the media and where it may head next. Receive the Zoom link to this free Middleton Library event by registering at
press release: In an era of declining trust and so-called fake news, where can citizens turn for information to make the decisions that affect their lives? How can news media work to restore faith in neutral coverage in the face of increasing partisanship and vitriol? Professor Kathleen Culver will discuss where we are, how we got here and where we all may head next. *Please register to receive the Zoom link via e-mail before the event*
Kathleen Bartzen Culver is the James E. Burgess Chair in Journalism Ethics, an associate professor in the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Journalism & Mass Communication and director of the Center for Journalism Ethics. Long interested in the implications of digital media on journalism and public interest communication, Culver focuses on the ethical dimensions of social tools, technological advances and networked information. She combines these interests with a background in law and free expression. She also serves as visiting faculty for the Poynter Institute for Media Studies and was the founding editor of PBS MediaShift’s education section.