ONLINE: Turning Threats Into Opportunities: A Global Review of Threats to Cranes and How We Are Resolving Them
media release: Turning Threats Into Opportunities – A Global Review of Threats to Cranes and How We Are Resolving Them
Thursday, Sept. 17, at 11 a.m. Central Time
Sponsored by Robo Brumder.
Join us for our webinar with Asia Program Manager and Grants Officer Claire Mirande, Research Wildlife Biologist (Emeritus) at the USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Jane Austin, and President and CEO Rich Beilfuss on Thursday, Sept. 17, at 11 a.m. Central Time.
Register for the webinar here:
The landmark International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Crane Conservation Strategy published in 2019 provides a wealth of new information to guide the conservation of the world’s fifteen species of cranes and the ecosystems where they occur. The publication reflects the work and knowledge of dozens of devoted colleagues in the IUCN Crane Specialist Group. It updates and builds upon the group’s first report, The Cranes: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan (1996). As such, it charts a comprehensive course forward for crane conservation, synthesizing information on the challenges and opportunities that face the world’s cranes and all who care about them.
While we should be troubled by the daunting array of continuing and emerging threats confronting the world’s cranes, we should also take heart in the creative solutions being undertaken to effectively address these problems. In our talk, we provide an overview of the top threats faced by cranes related to water, agriculture, and threats that affect the survival or breeding success of cranes. We will share stories of the diverse efforts to address these problems and share our vision on the challenges and opportunities before us as we work to secure a resilient future for cranes and the ecosystems they inhabit.