UW Lakeshore Nature Preserve Work Day
Picnic Point Entrance 2004 University Bay Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53705
press release: Join other volunteers to help care for the Lakeshore Nature Preserve. Activities include removing invasive plants, planting native plugs, seed collecting, maintaining trails, and collecting trash. Tools and gloves provided. Dress to work outdoors; long pants and closed-toe shoes required. Groups and minors require advance notice. Cancelled in case of steady precipitation or severe weather--high winds, thunder/lightning, or temperatures above 100F with heat index or below 0 degrees with wind chill.
Meet at Kiosk at entrance to Picnic Point (2000 University Bay Drive).
Bryn Scriver, 608-220-5560, bryn.scriver@wisc.edu, lakeshorepreserve@wisc.edu