ONLINE: Venus: The Forgotten Planet
Seems like Mars is getting all the attention these days, with its flashy red dirt and little helicopter that everybody is all like, oooh-helicopter-on-Mars about. This Madison Metropolitan School District Planetarium webinar will give our sister wayfarer Venus, the shrouded planet, its due. Find out what we know about this brightest of objects in our sky by registering for the Zoom link
press release: Now that Venus is becoming visible in the evening sky, we will explore the past, present, and future of the planet that is often referred to as Earth's sister. Did you know that Russian scientists have successfully flown instruments in Venus' atmosphere using balloons? Join us to explore the current sky and many more surprises...including a cameo appearance from a local meteorologist, John Zeigler, from WKOW!
When: Wednesday, May 19, 6:30-7:30 PM CDT
This event is FREE but registration is required.