Vintage Iceboat Show
WHAT DO TO: Chilly winds a-comin’
Saturday, Oct. 22, Lichtfeld Plumbing, 5001 Femrite Drive, 11 am-4 pm
As a city between two lakes, Madison has been a center of iceboating in the Midwest since the 1800s. What’s an iceboat, you may ask? Find out at the Vintage Iceboat Show. Also learn more about the historic Mary B, the current restoration project by the Ice Boat Foundation.
press release: Come see old and new iceboats, including the class A stern steerers the Mary B, Menace and Miss Madison, at the Ice Boat Show on Saturday, October 22 from 11 am-4 pm at Lichtfeld Plumbing, 5001 Femrite Drive in Madison.
Talk to experts about iceboating and hear stories from iceboating families. The event is sponsored by the newly-formed Ice Boat Foundation and the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club.
The Mary B is the Foundation’s main restoration effort this year. She was designed built in Madison by master boatbuilders Frank Tetzlaff and Carl Bernard and raced on area lakes since 1949. The Mary B has the most wins in its fleet of class A stern steerers, the largest ice yachts in the world, and is referred to as the Queen of the Ice. An all-wood boat almost 40 feet long, 40 feet tall, and weighing more than a ton, she was built of the finest Sitka Spruce available and is beautiful to see whether she’s standing still or roaring across the ice at 100 miles-per-hour.
The nonprofit Ice Boat Foundation is seeking donations to help with restoration and display of the Mary B at winter events and boat shows.
For more information, contact Peter Fauerbach at, (608) 212-6570