ONLINE: Walking Strong: Hoof Health
media release: Walking Strong es una serie de tres seminarios web enfocados para los trabajadores lecheros y estos seminaries se ofrecen solo en español (sesiones 1 y 3) o solo en inglés (sesión 2). Únase a nosotros el 11 de mayo para nuestra primera sesión mientras aprendemos más sobre las enfermedades infecciosas de las uñas en las vacas lecheras.
Sesión 1: 11 de Mayo 2:00-3:30pm: Registrarse Aquí
Sesión 2: 18 de Mayo 2:00-3:30pm: Registrarse Aquí
Sesión 3: 25 de Mayo 2:00-3:30pm: Registrarse Aquí
When it comes to health issues on a dairy farm, lameness is usually a main concern along with mastitis and reproductive issues. Lameness includes any abnormality which causes a cow to change the way she walks. It can be caused by a range of foot and leg conditions including foot rot, digital dermatitis, laminitis, and claw disease. Lameness can be influenced by nutrition, disease, genetic influences, management, and environmental factors. Not only does lameness cause pain and distress for dairy cattle, but it also has a large economic impact on the dairy operation. Walking Strong is a three-webinar series for dairy workers. Two webinars will be offered in Spanish and one in English. Join us on Tuesdays, May 11, 18, and 25, 2 pm to 3:30 pm, to learn more about infectious claw diseases.
UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor Dorte Dopfer, PhD, DVM will be joining the series for all three webinars. Dr. Dopfer specializes in bovine lameness and the epidemiology of digital dermatitis (hairy heel warts) which leads to her research about best-practices for footbaths to prevent and control digital dermatitis in cattle. Extension educators Maria Jose Fuenzalida, Aerica Bjurstrom, and Tina Kohlman are also included on the agenda.
Three-webinar series:
· May 11, 2021 from 2:00-3:30 pm (offered in Spanish) focusing on “Prevention and control of infectious claw diseases” with UW Madison School of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor Dorte Dopfer and “Keeping yourself safe while working with cows’ feet” with Extension Dane County Dairy and Livestock Educator Maria Jose Fuenzalida.
· May 18, 2021 from 2:00-3:30 pm (offered in English) focusing on “Prevention of infectious claw diseases in robotic farms with UW Madison School of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor Dorte Dopfer and “How to manage a footbath” with Extension Kewaunee County Agriculture Agent Aerica Bjurstrom.
· May 25, 2021 from 2:00-3:30 pm (offered in Spanish) focusing on “Prevention and control of digital dermatitis in heifers” with UW Madison School of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor Dorte Dopfer and “The impact of facilities and management on heifer hoof health” with Extension Fond du Lac County Dairy & Livestock Agent Tina Kohlman.
There is no fee for this program; however, pre-registration is required. To register for these webinars, please visit:
· May 11
· May 18
· May 25
This program has been organized by UW Madison Extension Dairy Program Team Members Aerica Bjurstrom, Tina Kohlman, and Maria Jose Fuenzalida. Generous financial support is provided by Diamond V.
If you need assistance, please contact Extension Dane County Dairy & Livestock Educator Maria Jose Fuenzalida at (608) 224 3708 or maria.fuenzalidavalenzuela@