War Abolition Teach-In
Reynolds Park 810 E. Mifflin St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
media release: Saturday, July 8 – War Abolition Teach-In - 10:00 - 11:00 am. Madison for a World BEYOND War and Madison Veterans for Peace, Chapter 25 will teach this weekend about war abolition.
We have changed the venue. We'll be in the corner of Reynolds Park facing Breese Stevens Field.
They welcome all people to attend the event to learn and discuss war abolition. They call on the US government to stop the organized mass murder called war.
The Teach-In will be filmed and broadcast as part of the Peace Wave, a 24-hour live stream event around the world.
Mike Bernhart will speak at the Abolish War Teach-In. Mike is a Vietnam veteran and he is active with Madison for a World BEYOND War. He will talk about how two of his family members died of radiation exposure from atomic bombs.
Mike says, “My father and brother survived combat tours in WWII and Vietnam, but died of cancer after working as electricians at the Nevada Test Site, where A-bombs were tested, due to lack of precautions taken by the US government and IBEW.” The day of the teach-in, July 8, is Mike’s brother’s birthday.
Bradley Geyer, with Madison Veterans for Peace, Chapter 25, will speak at the Teach-In about the economic costs of war. The US spends at least $1.6 trillion annually on the Pentagon, intelligence, veteran benefits, nuclear weapons and other "defense" related spending. The US military is the largest institutional consumer of oil in the world.
Bradley says, “We would all be better off if instead of funding threats of violence, we funded ways to grow more food, to give our public schools the tools they need, and to shelter the unhoused, ensure our infrastructure is safe and sustainable. Some of the billionaires and their puppet politicians might not be happier, but the rest of us would. We would have fewer enemies and less blowback.”