Waunakee Artists & Crafters Open House & Studio Tours
August 15 & 16, 9-4 pm. (Saturday & Sunday)
Look for our green and white lawn signs. Tour Brochure Map & Vendor lists available at Ace Hardware, MNM’s Coffee, Neil’s Liquor or email joann1@chorus.net for info.
Wood Intarsia wall art, (eagles, dogs, cats, fish, horses, holiday items, sceneries of old mills with paddle wheels, frog ponds, etc.), trolls, soft dolls, fairies, wash cloths and scrubbies, wood inlay art, wall hangings and tables, original water color, acrylic, mixed media and oil paintings, natural dyed silk scarves, hand carved painted Santas, ornaments, decorative walking sticks, wooden books, wood burnings and low relief scenes (nautical, seasonal, nature-related, etc.), hand stamped stainless steel jewelry, custom wood furniture and wood turnings, greeting cards, enlargements and canvas from photography.