We Get Sick, They Get Rich
Capitol 2 E. Main St., Madison, Wisconsin 53703
media release: Sun. Oct. 4, 2:00 pm Wisconsin State Capitol We Get Sick, They Get Rich – Madison March for Medicaid! Bring a mask and social distance.
Join the Wisconsin Poor People's Campaign and the Nonviolent Medicaid Army for a week of action to center poor and dispossessed people in the fight for healthcare as a human right!
We are facing a crisis within a crisis. Since healthcare is treated as something to make money from and not a fundamental right for everyone, we drown in hospital bills as we get more sick while a few get richer. And with the pandemic, over 5 million people lost their healthcare coverage. These are layered upon a deeper and permanent crisis that has already been afflicting our communities - with 140 million poor or near poor in the U.S. who have to choose between going hungry or going to the doctor, between paying rent or school loans.
Join us to make the connections between healthcare and the fight for housing, living wages, education, freedom of migration, and freedom from criminalization and incarceration! We’ll meet at the Capitol building to call on politicians who put private profit ahead of Wisconsinites’ well-being, and march to the Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce office to name out the corporations benefiting from our despair.
We demand an end to state violence in all its forms, including the near 200,000 people -- disproportionately poor and people of color -- who have died from COVID19 at the hands of a government more committed to bailing out corporations than keeping people safe, and the 700 people who were dying every day from poverty before the pandemic started.
More info, visit the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/
🚨🚨El 4 de octubre nos tomamos las calles! 🚨🚨
¡La Campaña de la Gente Pobre de Wisconsin se une a la semana de acción para centrar a las personas pobres y desposeídas en la lucha por la salud como derecho humano!
Estamos en una crisis *dentro* de una crisis. seguimos ahogándonos en facturas de hospitales, enfermándonos más a medida que unos pocos se enriquecen. En Wisconsin hemos sufrido
❌ Mas de 100,000 contagios de COVID-19, y 1,300 muertes
❌ More than 300,000 han perdido cobertura de salud
❌ Mas de 100,000 intentos de desalojo
Peor aún, mientras marchamos contra los asesinatos de vidas negras, nuestros sistemas de salud, vivienda, educación y carcelarias matan a incontables vidas negras a diario.
Ven a la marcha para mostrar las conexiones entre las luchas por salud, vivienda, salarios dignos, educación, y libertad de migración.
Es hora de condenar al sistema que se beneficia de nuestro dolor,enfermedad y muerte.
✅ Traer mascarilla y mantener distancia