wht.rbbt.obj, Magic Conch
Red Rooster 2513 Seiferth Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53716
media release: Chicago’s wht.rbbt.obj (pronounced as “white rabbit object) is a cascade of sultry grunge noir rock, fronted by wife/husband duo River and Frank Rabbitte. Traveling in pursuit of this white rabbit is not a young girl’s fairy tale, however. They’ve been featured across the Chicago area at clubs and festivals, and even on WGN TV.
One of the band’s interesting outputs is “Jolene’s Reply,” in which Jolene – the object of Dolly Parton’s pleas – responds (in no uncertain terms) that she’s not sorry for taking Dolly’s man. You can give that track a listen:
Madison’s Magic Conch is more than a reference – they are a four-piece rock group formed in October of 2016. For the uninitiated, the Magic Conch Shell is the all-knowing sea shell of wisdom from SpongeBob Squarepants and the source of the band’s name. Much like the unpredictable response one may receive from the Magic-8-ball-esque shell, Magic Conch writes music ranging from aggressive, hard-hitting rock to mellow, soulful pieces. Much of this diversity stems from the unique musical tastes of each band member, all of whom are no strangers to the music scene. You’ll hear elements of funk and alternative in their original material.