Why History Matters
First Unitarian Society 900 University Bay Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53705
press release: Sat. Oct. 14th – Sun. Oct. 15th First Unitarian Society (800 Univ. Bay Dr.) Black Lives Matter Weekend! Sat. 9:00 am help hang prayer flags on the FUS lawn; Sat. 4:30 pm service with poet performer, Christopher Sims. Potluck to follow - this shared meal will be an opportunity for the community to take time to reflect on the service and to share tools for talking to kids about racism. Sun. 9:00 am and 11:00 am Services with UW’s First Wave Hip Hop and Urban Arts Learning Community; Sun. 2:00 pm Why History Matters – lecture with Dr. Christy Clark-Pujara. Why are there such tension, division and disparities among racial groups in the United States of America? How and why did blackness and slavery become synonymous? How and why did a nation founded upon liberty and freedom perpetuate human bondage? What are the legacies of race-based slavery in America? Register for childcare by 10/8 at https://fusmadison.org/