WPDES Permitting Program Implementation
media release: Join River Network, Midwest Environmental Advocates, Wisconsin Lakes, and River Alliance of Wisconsin to learn how to use the Clean Water Act to protect and restore your local waters. Registration is free and ideal for grassroots and nonprofit organizations working to protect water in Wisconsin.
During the Workshops for Advocates: Use the Clean Water Act to Protect Your Local Waters series, you’ll get an overview of Clean Water Act programs and how they fit together. Local advocates will share real-world case studies on how they used the CWA to protect their waters and communities. Workshops include interactive exercises and an overview of how to use River Network’s recently updated Clean Water Act Owner’s Manual.
Jan. 17 Speaker: Rob Lee, staff attorney, Midwest Environmental Advocates
Learn about the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' implementation of the Clean Water Act, Section 404 surface water pollution permitting program (including permitting basics like the length of permit terms, renewals, etc.), identification of regulated substances, development of effluent limits for specific discharges into specific bodies of water, schedules for compliance with and variances to water quality standards, and how the general public can participate in the permitting process.
Registration is free and ideal for grassroots and nonprofit organizations working to protect water in Wisconsin.