Yahara River Chorus
Peace Lutheran Church 701 S. Century Ave., Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597
Start your New Year on a New Note!
Ladies, Do you want to try something new for yourself in 2016? The award winning Yahara River chorus is looking to add 10 new singers this year. January is Sweet Adelines Membership month and we kick it off locally with an Open House on Jan 5, 7 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 701 S. Century Ave, Waunakee. However, we meet every Tuesday, same time, same place, and anyone is welcome to drop in and check us out at any time.
Come on, be part of the fun, no experience necessary! Whatever your voice, there is a singing part for you. We are a very diverse group of women from all over south-central Wisconsin who get together to learn and sing 4-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. All ages welcome.
For further information,
Contact Bonnie Senkowski at (608) 415-5023 or bsnbs@aol.com