POSTPONED: Young Entrepreneurs Market
Jan. 31 update: Due to increasing COVID indoor gathering concerns we have decided to postpone the Youth Entrepreneur Market scheduled for Saturday Feb 5 until this Spring/Summer when we can host the event outdoors. Please pass the word and Thank you for your ongoing support.
media release: Our changing world is inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs.
UJAMAA Business Network is committed to supporting the growth and development of Wisconsin’s Black Business ecosystem. We are not only investing in the future of Black Owned Business but also supporting Future Black Business Owners.
This is your call to action, Join us! On Saturday, Feb 5, we are hosting our 1st Annual UJAMAA Young Entrepreneurs Market from 11 am to 4 pm at 2238 S. Park St. Madison, WI.
Do you know a young entrepreneur who would like to be part of this event? We are now accepting vendor applications from business owners ages 8-21. Signup at: