Youth Bike Helmet Giveaway
press release: In lieu of Learn 2 Ride this year, MSCR has organized a bike helmet giveaway and fitting for youth, ages 8-14 during the second week of August. The event will be at MSCR East (4620 Cottage Grove Rd), Monday through Thursday, August 10-13 from 12pm-1pm while supplies last. The helmets are size 8+ ONLY, fitting ages 8-14. We are asking that kids come with an adult or friend age 16+ to assist with the fitting. Helmets donated by Pacific Cycle.
Gratis cascos de bicicletas y montaje para los jovenes: 10-13 Agosto, 2020, 12-1 pm, Lunes-Jueves, en MSCR East, 4620 Cottage Grove Road.
Talla juvenil solo para edades 8-14. Disponible hasta que se agoten los implementos. Se requiere un adulto o hermanos/amigos de 16+ para ayuda con el montaje.