Annette K. Ziegler
Age: 43.
Born: Grand Rapids, Mich.
Education: Business administration and psychology degrees from Hope College in Michigan. Law degree from Marquette University (1989).
Experience: Six years (1989-95), civil practice; two years (1995-1997), federal prosecutor with U.S. Attorney's Office; since 1997, circuit court judge in Washington County; now senior judge of four-county district.
Also on rÃsumÃ: President, board of trustees, Washington County Boys and Girls Club; volunteer, St. Thomas More Sandwich Project for Homeless People; Sunday school teacher, Trinity Lutheran Church.
Family: Married to developer J.J. Ziegler, has stepdaughter and two sons. Lives in West Bend and would commute.
Fun fact: 'I like extreme skiing ' which means finding the highest points I can and steepest slopes.'
Favorite TV crime drama: 'Being a judge, a mom, and active in the community doesn't leave me much time for TV.'
Book most relevant to judicial philosophy: 'The Wisconsin Statutes.'
Linda M. Clifford
Age: 58.
Born: Waukegan, Ill., grew up in North Chicago.
Education: Degree in international relations, Beloit College; law degree from UW (1974).
Experience: Three years (1974-77), assistant attorney general, environmental unit; five years (1977-1982), solo practice; since 1982, appellate, trial and administrative litigation at La Follette, Godfrey and Kahn.
Also on rÃsumÃ: Trustee, Beloit College; board of curators, Wisconsin Historical Society; past president, Dane County Bar Association.
Family: Married to attorney Keith Clifford; two daughters. Lives on Madison's west side.
Fun fact: Plays the harpsichord ('my secret love') and has performed at charity events with other amateur musicians.
Favorite TV crime drama: 'I enjoy Boston Legal, but that's not a crime drama, it's a comedy.'
Book most relevant to judicial philosophy: Active Liberty: Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution, by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.
Who's backing whom?
Linda Clifford
Total raised (through 2/5/07): $416,539. Cash on hand: $343,144.
Major contributors: AFT-Wisconsin, $8,675; MTI Voters (Madison Teachers Inc.), $8,625; State Employees PAC, $8,625; Wisconsin Laborers' District Council, $5,000; Wisconsin State AFL-CIO, $5,000.
Independent backers: One Wisconsin Now (Ziegler-bashing press releases, possible issue ads).
Key endorsements: Sen. Russ Feingold, former Govs. Patrick Lucey, Lee Sherman Dreyfus and Tony Earl, Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, the Teamsters, United Auto Workers and other unions.
Annette Ziegler
Total raised (through 2/5/07): $418,842. Cash on hand: $269,911.
Major contributors: Realtors PAC, $8,625.
Independent backers: Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce (slick pro-Ziegler lit, possible issue-ad involvement), national Club for Growth ($200,000 ad buy).
Key endorsements: Wisconsin Right to Life, the majority of the state's sheriffs and district attorneys, Wisconsin Professional Police Association, Milwaukee Police Association, former Gov. Tommy Thompson, former Justices William Callow, Donald Steinmetz and Louis Ceci.