UP: UW-Madison students. The UW-Madison announces it will give free voter ID cards to students who don't have valid state driver's licenses. The move will cost an estimated $100,000. "Civic participation is an educational goal of UW-Madison, and it's our aim to make it as easy as possible for all students to learn to register and legally vote," says vice chancellor for administration Darrell Bazzell.
DOWN: Deer. Wisconsin hunters killed 6% more in the first two days of hunting season, compared to last year. This year, 603,919 people bought hunting licenses in Wisconsin, and hunters killed 112,581 deer in the first weekend. "The total harvest is up, that's the good news," Dan Hirchert, Department of Natural Resources' assistant big game biologist, tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. "We would certainly like to see more antlerless deer shot in southern Wisconsin. But the season's not over, and hopefully people will stay out there and keep hunting."