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The Madison Public Market Foundation is hiring its first staff member as they prepare for the city to hand off management of the project.
As the Madison Public Market prepares to break ground as early as the end of the month, the Madison Public Market Foundation is gearing up to take over operation of the market. The first step for the private nonprofit organization is to hire an executive director, the organization’s first staff member, which they’re looking to do early next year.
Anne Reynolds, who sits on the foundation’s board, says an outside firm will conduct a nationwide search for the director and will be looking for someone with previous public market experience.
The city will retain a say in the market through a seat on the board and ownership of the property, the former Fleet Services building on First Street, but not contribute to operating costs.
Reynolds acknowledges that market vendors have been waiting a while for the market to become a reality. “We are interested in expediting this process as much as possible but also want to be realistic.”
More than 200 businesses have expressed interest in a space in the market. While the city’s Public Market Development Committee makes the criteria to select vendors for the market, the executive director will ultimately choose who gets a spot and negotiate their agreements, says Reynolds.
Five vendors have already been selected and offered $19,000 grants. Reynolds expects funding to be available to low-income vendors who might need help with customizing their own spaces with equipment and furnishings.
Last month the city council and Dane County board plugged a final funding gap to put the now $23.6 million project over the finish line. Private fundraising had slowed, but can now start again in earnest, says Reynolds. “Now that all the final decisions have been made, we will be continuing with our fundraising to support the vendors. There’s still a chance to get your name on the wall.”