Peter Jakubowski/UWM Photo Services
Ray Cross speaks at a press conference on Friday, Jan. 10 at UW-Milwaukee, following his introduction as the new UW System president
UW System President Ray Cross can manage in the interim if a new search for president is not launched until spring.
Let’s take Mitch McConnell at his word.
You’ll recall that in the last year of the Obama administration, the Senate majority leader argued that a president had no right to appoint a new Supreme Court justice before an impending election, even if that election was almost a year away. You will search in vain to find the provision in the Constitution that backs up McConnell’s assertion (or the codicil that says that this sacred rule does not apply to Republican presidents) but a principle is a principle.
Assuming most Republicans agreed with McConnell then, it would be reasonable to also assume that they would adhere to the same principle for other important appointments, like say, the UW System president.
That’s exactly the situation we’re in right now. The Board of Regents is controlled by appointees of former Gov. Scott Walker until next spring when Gov. Tony Evers’ appointees will finally assume a majority. But that’s less than a year away, so under the McConnell Rule, shouldn’t the regents wait until the new majority settles in so that they can choose their own president? Don’t elections matter? Isn’t a principle a principle?
Well, probably not. It’s a fair guess that the Walker-controlled Board of Regents will dive back into the search for a new president now that their only choice, University of Alaska President Jim Johnsen, has withdrawn.
That, in turn, is likely to yield another batch of lackluster candidates. Who would want to take a job as difficult as this one knowing that the folks who hired you and are in the majority on the board now, will be in the minority in just a few months, replaced by a majority with different values and goals? It’s like taking a job on the top floor of a skyscraper knowing that an earthquake has been scheduled for May.
There would be little harm in simply letting things ride until next spring. While I’m no particular fan of outgoing President Ray Cross, he’s certainly competent to manage the place in the interim.
Or, better yet, if the Walker regents really cared about the future of the university system, they could work with the Evers regents to move forward under an agreement that no process will be initiated and no candidate will be approved without a unanimous vote of support. That would send a strong signal to the new president that the board will be solidly behind their choice no matter who has the majority.
The UW is the pride of the state and its most powerful economic engine. Yet, it has been battered by budget cuts and now it faces unprecedented challenges stemming from the COVID-19 shutdown. It needs a highly skilled leader more than ever. It would be ideal if it could get that leader tomorrow, but since that can’t happen it would be best to wait until a thoughtful and transparent process can attract the very best candidates.