Columnist ridiculed for short stature
Whoever decided to allow the public derision of a curious child, who spells no worse than the advertising for "i-things" on the facing page (Watchdog item, "Teech You're Childrin Wel," 11/6/09), is even smaller than the usual short stature of journalists.
Sadly, this young writer chose to ask journalists for advice. After your little stunt, I wouldn't blame the child to think all adults are assholes.
Patrik Vander Velden, Monona
Didn't like the review
I am writing in response to the recent "review" penned by your dance reviewer, Susan Kepecs ("The Good with the Bad," 11/27/09). For purposes of disclosure, I am Kanopy Dance Company's principal dancer and choreographer, whom Kepecs has "learned not to expect much from."
Encouraged by community members and fellow artists, I am writing to take issue not only with Kepecs' review, but also her personal diatribe against myself and other dancers. We are very honored to be able to perform in an enlightened and art-loving community like Madison. I have premiered three works of choreography at the Overture Center in the last 12 months and have been delighted with the amount of support I have received from the community.
It is discouraging to be personally attacked by one such as Kepecs. As a regular reader of reviews in other publications, I feel Kepecs' work is most unprofessional, and I wish more editorial restraint was exercised. Perhaps Kepecs, given her background and knowledge, is not ideally suited to be a reviewer of modern dance.
Meg Johnson
Dyslexia marches on
Thanks for publishing such a great article, "The Difficulty of Diagnosing Dyslexia" (11/20/09). I struggled with the school system for years, having had two children with dyslexia. Now I have grandchildren with dyslexia, and the schools are not any more helpful, 40 years later. Please follow up with news about the bill that Rep. Keith Ripp is proposing.
Carole Bayer