Describing itself as "totally independent no-budget filmmaking from the Midwest," the production group that goes by the name of DiGiTAL MAD MOViES is nearing completion on its first feature film, The Zombie Hero, a gory story about one unlikely member of the undead.
The production group was founded in 2004 by Nicholas A. Jackson, a visual artist. He's has taken on numerous roles in the shooting of the film: producer, writer, director, actor, storyboard artist and cinematographer, as well as make-up and special effects. After assembling of team of four filmmaking collaborators based in Madison, Jackson dove into shooting The Zombie Hero. Here is the film's synopsis:
While en route to a romantic dinner with his girlfriend, Mike -- our hero -- is violently run over by Dr. Logan Faust, a mad scientist. Dr. Faust steals Mike's body from the grisly crime scene, taking it back to his laboratory....
Mike's girlfriend, Nina, figures he stood her up, and is ready to call it quits.
Back at the lab, Mike is brought back to life as a Zombie by the scientist, but escapes, running off into the night....
For what reason has Dr. Faust brought Mike back from the dead?
Can Mike overcome his violent Zombie urges?
Will Mike discover the extent of his new powers with the help of a mysterious Bum who seems to know more than he should?
Can Mike repair things with his girlfriend while taking on a new life of crime-fighting as a decaying zombie?!
Will Dr. Faust be able to hunt down and capture Mike in order to carry out his own twisted agenda?!?
A six-minute preview of The Zombie Hero follows below.