ONLINE: Addressing Addiction
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press release: Addiction is a cruel and unforgiving disease. It’s one that torments individuals into pursuing addictive substances even after those substances lose their desired effects. This chasing of the high gets at the essence of addiction.
Today, 20 to 30 percent of people taking prescription opioids misuse them. And, around half a million deaths in the United States every year are caused by tobacco. Many of those struggling with addiction want to quit — but the challenge becomes how.
The next Wisconsin Medicine Livestream delves into addressing addiction through treatment and prevention. You’ll hear from medical professionals from UW Health and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health on how best to fight addiction and the biological, psychological, and social factors that influence substance use disorders.
Discover some of the innovative techniques the UW is working on to better protect our health and well-being and that of our loved ones from substance addiction.
Featured guests:
Randall Brown, MD, PhD, associate professor; director, Program for Research, Outreach, Therapeutics, and Education in Addictions; director, UW Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program; director, Center for Addictive Disorders UW Hospital; director, Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Addiction Treatment, Madison VA Medical Center; Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Michael Fiore, MD, MPH, MBA, University of Wisconsin–Madison Hilldale Professor of Medicine, UW chair for Tobacco Research and Intervention Research; director, University Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention