ONLINE: Carbon Markets for Private Woods and Farms: An Introduction
media release: New policies are helping landowners earn money by capturing carbon in woodlands, grasslands, and agricultural soils. Yet carbon trading may not be the best option in all contexts, and navigating the regulations required for participation can be a daunting task.
In this panel discussion, get an introduction to the science and logistics of carbon sequestration on private lands from scientists, industry leaders, carbon market participants, and critics.
Meet our panelists:
- Jonathan Shears, Family Forest Carbon Program and American Forest Foundation
- Angela & Anthony Waupochick, Menominee Forest Managers
- Gregg Sandford, PhD, Research Scientist in the UW-Madison Agronomy Department
- Charlie Mitchell, Journalist and Organizer at the Wisconsin Farmers Union
- Jeff Cole, Credit Sales at Carbon Forest Works
- Tim Leiby, Landowner and Early Participant in Carbon Markets
- Josh Parrish, Director of the American Forest Carbon Initiative for The Nature Conservancy
- Jon Stewart, an Oregon landowner working with Forest Carbon Works
And our moderators:
- Kylie Clay, PhD, Director of the Forest Carbon and Climate Program at Michigan State University
- Niko Tutland, Masters Student in Forest & Wildlife Ecology at University of Wisconsin-Madison
This panel was organized by Adena Rissman’s Policy and Politics of Environmental Information group, in partnership with the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology .