ONLINE: Global Oncology: Working Together to Address Global Cancer Disparities
press release: The Global Health Tuesday seminar series hosts researchers and practitioners from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and across the world. The speakers showcase the complexity of global health challenges and the many kinds of expertise needed to address them. By sharing their experiences with the campus and Madison communities, these guests provide insights into global health, encourage conversation, and help connect colleagues locally and globally.
On July 27, Syed Nabeel Zafar, M.D., MPH, will lead a session on global oncology. Zafar, who is working with colleagues to establish a global oncology group, will explore background challenges related to global oncology, the current status of care, initiatives by national and international organizations and the Global Oncology program at UW-Madison. He is an assistant professor in the Division of Surgical Oncology in the School of Medicine and Public Health. He conducts research on health services and global oncology/global surgery. His work also focuses on improving cancer care delivery and cancer surgery in low-and middle-income countries.