Madison Reads Leopold
UW Arboretum Visitor Center 1207 Seminole Hwy., Madison, Wisconsin 53711

media release: UW–Madison Arboretum’s Madison Reads Leopold event returns on Saturday, March 1st, 1:00pm - 4:00pm.
Madison Reads Leopold is an annual community read-aloud celebrating the life and legacy of Aldo Leopold. The readings will include ‘calendar’ essays from A Sand County Almanac along with selected additional works by Leopold and other environmental thinkers. By including authors besides Leopold, our hope is to amplify a broader diversity of voices that articulate relationships with the land. This year’s reading selections are attached for your reference.
First published in 1949, A Sand County Almanac has prompted generations of people to take better notice—and care—of the natural environment. Leopold Weekend in Wisconsin began in Lodi in 2000, and in 2006 it became a designated state observance. It is held the first weekend in March to recognize when Leopold finished the foreword to A Sand County Almanac, which he appended with the date “4th March, 1948.” It was Leopold’s last writing for the work, since he died unexpectedly six weeks later.
A full schedule of readers and essays will be posted on the Madison Reads Leopold webpage.
If you are interested in being a reader, complete the reader registration form by Friday, January 31. If you prefer not to use the Google form, please call (608) 262 - 2101.