Leveraging Hydropower and Pumped-Storage to Fight Climate Change
media release: 3:30-4:30pm, Room 1115 Wisconsin Energy Institute and online. Registration is requested for in-person attendance and required for online attendance. You can register for any and all Spring 2024 seminars in this series (in-person, online, or both) using this registration link: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/
Yiying Xiong, associate director of the Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center and co-chair of Water @ UW-Madison Executive Committee
Climate change is causing great challenges on our world today, from energy safety to watershed management. Hydropower, including pumped-storage, is one of the effective ways to help us fight climate change. This seminar provides a general instruction to hydropower and pumped-storage and how they can work together to help us address some of the climate change challenges. We will also touch on food-energy-water nexus and its importance
- Upcoming seminar details can be found here: https://energy.wisc.edu/
events/seminar-series - Archives of past seminars can be found here: https://energy.wisc.edu/
events/seminar-series-archive - The YouTube video playlist of past seminars can be found here: https://youtube.com/playlist?
list= PL5KvDvGhamVophFSGmWflU0PHpAPo oO-u