Wednesday Nite at the Lab
press release: For the fall semester, WN@TL goes hybrid both with Zoom and with in-person presentations. The zoom registration link is still You can also watch a live web stream at
On March 9 Hilary Dugan of the Center for Limnology will spread the news about "The Impact of Salt on Wisconsin's Freshwaters."
Description: We will dive into salinization of Wisconsin's freshwater environments, and probe how, why, and where
salinization is occurring--and what we can do to curtail current trends.
Bio: Dr. Hilary Dugan is an assistant professor at the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. As a
limnologist, Hilary studies how terrestrial and atmospheric changes, such as warming air temperatures or land use patterns,
alter biogeochemical fluxes and aquatic processes in lakes. Her research balances field-based programs, which rely heavily
on sensor networks, with the use and development of analytical models, and the application of geophysical and geospatial
tools. Her research focus is on temperate and polar lakes, with sites spanning from Wisconsin to Antarctica.
Links: https://dugan.