RSVP for What Are “Outlying Properties”? The Arboretum’s Unique Collection of Remnant Natural Areas
media release: The February lectures will be held from 9 to 10:30 a.m. (CST). Virtual lectures will include automatic closed-captioning and automatic live transcripts. If you need an additional accommodation, please email Danielle Tanzer. Virtual lectures will be recorded and a link to view the recording will be available to registered participants only. Recordings will be available for one week. Lectures are $10 each and advance registration is required.
February 1
Brad Herrick, UW–Madison Arboretum research program manager and ecologist
Best known for its 1,200-acre site in Madison, the Arboretum also manages eleven properties around the state of significant historical and ecological value. These sites have informed our understanding of the land, conservation, and restoration in a changing world through the research and efforts of Aldo Leopold, John Curtis, and present-day researchers, educators, and land managers. Register by January 28.