Wisconsin State Honors Orchestra Audition Prep
media release: Hosted by Dr. Dawn Wohn, violin, and Dr. James Waldo, cello, along with other Mead Witter School of Music faculty and graduate students
Luthier Nathan Giglierano will be on site for string instrument adjustments and consultations including bow rehair drop off.
String students preparing to audition for Wisconsin State Honors Orchestra are invited to join us for a workshop featuring School of Music faculty. This workshop will include specific sessions dedicated to instrument specific required WSMA Honors Orchestra audition repertoire in addition to sessions on effective practice strategies and successful audition tips. Students will have the opportunity to work with faculty, hear what judges are listening for, and get a jump start on their audition preparation.
9:30 am: Check in begins
10 am: Welcome session with audition/practice preparation strategies
10:40 am: Sight-Reading class
11:40 am: Instrument Care 101 class
12 pm-1 pm: Lunch Break (can also meet with luthier and do assessments)
1 pm: Etudes Class
2 pm: Audition day tips
2:30 pm-4 pm: Mock auditions and masterclasses on solo repertoire