Veterans Day breakfast
Friday, Nov. 11
Hy-Vee, 2920 Fitchrona Road, marks Veterans Day with a free breakfast 6-11 am for veterans and current service members. Eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy, sausage, doughnuts, hash browns and more are on the buffet. Reservations: 608-273-5131.
Dane County Farmers’ Market Holiday Market
Saturday, Nov. 12
As of this Saturday, the market moves to Monona Terrace through Dec. 17, 7:30 am-noon. Preserves, cheese, meats, baked goods, maple syrup, root veggies and more will be on hand.
Artisan Food & Craft Beverage Holiday Tour
Friday, Nov. 18
Get an insider’s look at Madison’s artisan food and beverage scene with a tour (6-10 pm) of several local production facilities: YumButter, Potter’s Crackers, Mad Urban Bees, Quince & Apple, Dashelito’s, Underground Meats, Nessalla Kombucha, Old Sugar Distillery, Gretchen Olson Arts, Roth Cheese and Calliope Ice Cream. Samples from all plus appetizers from Underground Food Collective and Willy Street Co-op; proceeds benefit the Madison Area Urban Ministry and the Just Bakery program. Advance tickets ($60) only via