This coming week, in events that get to your heart through your stomach.
Wednesday, December 7
If you grew up around these parts, if you weren't Norwegian or part Norwegian, you probably had a Norwegian neighbor, who would have the family over come Christmastime for krumkake and buttered lefse and lots of complicated rosette-shaped cookies. This evening's monthly meeting of the Eat Smart in Norway, will bake the classic Norwegian cone-shaped kransekake, a festive holiday cake constructed of successively smaller rings of cake made from ground almonds, sugar, and egg whites. There will also be Epiphany cake for all to eat, but the kransekake will go home with the person who gets the slice of Epiphany cake with a favor inside. Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa St., 7:15 p.m., free. Call 241-1574 for more info.
Friday, December 9
will host a soup and bread meal and a discussion about food and social justice. How does food affect people's sense of self? How is privilege a part of the food system? While this all sounds blue-book ready, the butternut squash soup should take the edge off. The Crossing, 1127 University Ave., 5:30-7:30 p.m. with cooking starting at 3 p.m., free. RSVP online, and call 257-1039 for more info.
Monday, December 12
These days it's easy to look at all the food options we have as a foodie bonanza, but let's not forget those who bring us that food, some of whom are not always treated fairly in the workplace. Tonight, the free training on basic employment rights for restaurant workers, with discussion on everything from wages, to tip pooling to workplace safety. The presentation will be in English and Spanish. Villager Shopping Center, 2234 S. Park St., 7 p.m. Call 255-0376 for more info.
More events this week
Tuesday, December 6
Whole Foods Market, 3313 University Ave., 4:30-6 p.m., $10. Call 233-9566 for more info.
Wednesday, December 7
Rooftop Seedlings, a weekly session for kids to explore gardening, composting, and cooking. Madison Children's Museum, 100 N. Hamilton St., 3:30 p.m., free with $8 admission. Call 256-6445 for more info.
Pinot Camp, a wine-pairing dinner in which L'Etoile, 1 S. Pinckney St., 6:30 p.m., $65. Call 251-0500 for more info.
Stories from Wisconsin: Germans, Beer & Prohibition, a lecture sponsored by the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies, with author Jerry Apps discussing the German immigrants who founded the Wisconsin brewing industry. UW Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St., 7 p.m., free. Call 262-7546 for more info.
Scandinavian Holiday, a beer-pairing dinner at Vintage Brewing Company, 674 S. Whitney Way, 7 p.m., $60. Call 204-2739 for more info.
Thursday, December 8
Gingerbread Cookie Fun, a family event with stories, games, and cookies. Ashman Library, 733 N. High Point Rd., 4-5:30 p.m., free. Call 824-1780 to register and for more info.
Whole Foods Market, 313 University Ave., 6-7:30 p.m., $25. Call 233-9566 for more info.
Vegetable Fermentation class, with instructor Mike Bieser covering the basics of lacto-fermenting veggies and their place in a daily diet. Willy Street Co-op West, 6825 University Ave., 6-8 p.m., $20 owners and $30 all others. Call 284-7800 for more info.
An Evening to Celebrate our Youth, a fundraiser for , featuring refreshments and a silent auction. Fromagination, 12 S. Carroll St., 6-9 p.m., donations encouraged. Call 222-9086 for more info.
Sustaining a Bright Future, a benefit for the Brighter Future Children's Home in Kathmandu, Nepal, featuring a Nepali-style dinner, craft sales, and a raffle. Madison Sourdough Company Bakery, 916 Williamson St., 6:30 p.m., $35. Buy tickets online, and call 442-8009 for more info.
Friday, December 9
The Very Merry Holiday Fair, an annual two-day seasonal and call 608-356-9048 for more info.
Metcalfe's Sentry, 726 N. Midvale Blvd., 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, free. Call 238-7612 for more info.
Eat Well, Be Happy cooking class, with chef Paul Tseng covering how to prepare holiday dumplings from scratch using multiple filings and cooking methods. Willy Street Co-op West, 6825 University Ave., 6-8 p.m., $15 owners and $25 all others. Call 284-7800 for more info.
Mount Horeb Gingerbread House Display, an annual holiday benefit for the Breakfast with Santa, a fundraiser organized by the Tyranena Ladies Volunteer Service Club, and featuring breakfast and photo sessions. Christmas Cookie Walk at Sun Valley Presbyterian Church, 1650 Sun Valley Dr., Beloit, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Call 608-365-7547 for more info.
Joan Peterson and Ronnie Hess book signing, with the Eat Smart in Norway and Eat Smart in France, respectively, published by Froth House, 11 N. Allen St., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Call 231-0100 for more info.
Free community meal prepared by volunteers. Wil-Mar Center, 953 Jenifer St., 11:15 a.m., free. Call 257-4576 for more info.
Explore Cheesemaking, a session for kids to learn about the history and science of making cheese. Madison Children's Museum, 100 N. Hamilton St., 11 a.m., free with $8 admission. Call 256-6445 for more info.
Whole Food Market, 3313 University Ave., 1-2:30 p.m., $19.99. Call 233-9566 for more info.
Gingerbread Cookie Fun, a family event with stories, games, and cookies. Hawthorne Library, 2707 E. Washington Ave., 1:30-3 p.m., free. Call 246-4548 to register and for more info.
Gingerbread Cookie Fun, a family event with stories, games, and cookies. South Madison Library, 2222 S. Park St., 1:30-3 p.m., free. Call 266-6395 to register and for more info.
Sunday, December 11
Savory Sunday, with volunteers need to prepare and serve a fresh, hot meal for the hungry, now serving once again in the Wisconsin Capitol cafeteria. Lutheran Campus Center, 5 N. Mills St., 11 a.m. Call 233-6967 for more info.
Gifts of Good Taste cooking class, with instructor Hallie Klecker of the blog Willy Street Co-op West, 6825 University Ave., 2-4 p.m., $15 owners and $25 all others. Call 284-7800 for more info.
Vegan Cream Pies class, with the instructor preparing a menu of coconut and banana cream pies, along with chocolate tarts. Willy Street Co-op East, 1221 Williamson St., 4-6 p.m., $15 owners and $25 all others. Call 251-6776 for more info.
Save the date
Saturday, December 17
Julfest, an annual holiday dinner party hosted by the , featuring a dinner of Scandinavian cuisine (lox, baked salmon, roast lamb, and ham), potluck dishes and glögg, Lucia festivities, a tombola (raffle), a visit from Santa, more. Sons of Norway Idun Lodge, 2262 Winnebago St., 3 p.m., $20 with dish serving 10-12 or $30 without with $5 senior discount $5 for kids 12 and under. Please RSVP by December 8, and call 658-6019 for more info.