Thursday, Sept. 8
It’s official: Dane County supervisors vote 33-2 to approve a “living wage” ordinance overhaul, which will gradually increase compensation for government employees and contractors to $15 per hour.
Saturday, Sept . 10
Less than a week into the fall semester, the UW-Madison campus has already had its first case of hateful graffiti. Three swastikas, drawn on three different white boards on dorm rooms in Sellery Hall, are reported to university officials. A university spokesperson says the perpetrators were not UW students, but friends visiting from another college.
Tuesday, Sept. 13
Card skimmers —devices that criminals attach to card swipe machines to steal banking information — have been found on five gas pumps at locations throughout Madison, the Wisconsin Department of Trade, Agriculture and Consumer Protection reports. In total, 15 skimmers were found in Wisconsin over five weeks.
The race between U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson and challenger Russ Feingold is turning into a real mudslinger, with each candidate accusing the other of ethics violations. But will anything stick?
Wednesday, Sept. 14
Two out of every five households in Dane County are unable to afford basic needs like food, housing, child care, health care and transportation, according to a report from the United Way of Wisconsin.
Thought you’d heard the end of the John Doe scandal? Think again. British newspaper The Guardian publishes 1,500 pages of leaked documents from the now-closed investigation detailing how Gov. Scott Walker solicited millions of dollars in donations from corporations, including the lead paint industry, during the 2011 and 2012 recall efforts. It’s a jarring case study in post-Citizens United election financing.