Mr. Van Hollen's Opus
1. Fight the 'scourge' of methamphetamine.
2. Deter terrorism, in concert with others.
3. Combat voter fraud, by supporting voter ID.
4. Champion public integrity and clean government.
5. Crack down on child predators and other cyber-criminals.
6. Assist and support local law enforcement.
7. Protect Wisconsin values, including 'the sanctity of marriage.'
(Distilled from 'Where I Stand,' on
Ms. Falk's Agenda
1. Enforce ethics and campaign finance laws.
2. Lead a 'multifaceted approach' to fighting gangs.
3. Take a tough stance to address the growing meth problem.
4. Develop best practices to combat child abuse and neglect.
5. Embrace a 'comprehensive solution' to state crime lab backlog.
6. Prosecute consumer fraud and identity theft.
7. Preserve natural resources and protect the environment.
(Listed by the candidate and culled from