Andy Moore's article "Classroom Clear-out" was woefully mistitled. It should have been called "Love Letter to My Wife."
Eileen Dawson
The cheese stands alone
I can't believe you had an entire article about Limburger cheese ("A Singular Cheese," 9/28/2012) without mentioning Peter and Lou Berryman's delightful, catchy, rollicking Wisconsin history lesson, "The Limburger Ballad," available on their Yah Hey: Songs About Wisconsin collection. But it's not too late. Go. Do. Lyrics:
Richard S. Russell
Doesn't add up
In the late 1930s, while still in high school, I read a number of "forbidden books" in order to form an opinion about their validity, including Darwin's Origin of Species and The Book of Mormon ("Mormon Road Trip!" 9/21/2012). When I got to the part of The Book of Mormon where the angel demanded return of the two golden tablets from which Joseph Smith had obtained the text, I had a problem. The dimensions of the solid gold tablets had been mentioned, from which I calculated that the tablets weighed about 1,200 pounds each. No mention had been made of problems in transporting them or needing a magnifying glass to read the text. The book utterly ceased to be credible to me.
John A. Frantz